landscape photography — Old Blog Posts by Graham Daly Photography — Graham Daly Photography

landscape photography

Tip of The Week - Use The Ocean To Eliminate Distractions

Tip of The Week - Use The Ocean To Eliminate Distractions

Did you know that you can use the ocean to remove unwanted distractions from your coastal and seascape images? Read this article to find out how it works!

Planning Your Landscape Photography Adventures

Planning Your Landscape Photography Adventures

Do you need help, advice or assistance for planning your own landscape photography adventures? Then head on over to the article entitled Planning Your Landscape Photography Adventures on where I discuss and share my personal thoughts and processes that I apply when planning my own landscape photography shooting trips.

Lightroom Tips & Tricks - How to enhance skies in Lightroom 6 using the Graduated Filter

Lightroom Tips & Tricks - How to enhance skies in Lightroom 6 using the Graduated Filter

Ever feel that the skies in your Landscape images are lacking something and how they can be improved? Did you know that the Graduated Filter within Lightroom can do just that for you.

In this video tutorial I demonstrate how you can quickly and easily interject some additional oomph into the skies within your Landscape images and give them a bit more punch.

How To Restore Color To Flat RAW Files Using Adobe Lightroom

How To Restore Color To Flat RAW Files Using Adobe Lightroom

Do you find that your RAW files are flat, dull and lacking color? In this video tutorial I will show and demonstrate how to restore and inject color back into your flat looking RAW image files so that they can be brought back to life and shine.

New Lightroom processing video currently in production - stay tuned!!

New Lightroom processing video currently in production - stay tuned!!

Did you know that RAW files by their nature are flat, dull and void of any real eye-catching colour tones? Stay tuned to this blog and my YouTube Channel over the next few days for my new video tutorial which will demonstrate and show you how to quickly and easily Restore Colour To Flat RAW Files within Adobe Lightroom 6.

Lightroom Tips & Tricks - Isolating Highlight Recovery using the Radial Filter

Lightroom Tips & Tricks - Isolating Highlight Recovery using the Radial Filter

Want to know how to isolate effects such as Highlight Recovery in Lightroom to a specific portion of your image without affecting the other parts? Then check this blog out because I show you how to do exactly that using the Radial Filter.

Enhancing a RAW file in Adobe Lightroom 6

Enhancing a RAW file in Adobe Lightroom 6

Want to know how to make your RAW files pop in Adobe Lightroom 6? Interested in seeing my personal basic processing workflow step-by-step? Then this video tutorial is just for you!

New Lightroom processing video tutorial on its way!

New Lightroom processing video tutorial on its way!

Want to know how to make your RAW files pop in Adobe Lightroom 6? Then stay tuned for my latest video tutorial which will go live in the next 48 hours.

Lightroom Tips & Tricks - Removing Colour Casts

Lightroom Tips & Tricks - Removing Colour Casts

First in an on-going series of blog posts whereby I will discussing and demonstrating various Tips & Tricks that can be performed within Adobe Lightroom when processing and developing your RAW files. To start us off in this new series of blog posts focusing on Lightroom Tips & Tricks, we will look at how easy it is to remove unwanted colour casts from your RAW files when processing them in Lightroom.

How colour temperature and white balance impacts landscape photography

How colour temperature and white balance impacts landscape photography

As a landscape photographer shooting outdoors utilizing the natural light that God has given us, you really do need to understand how light works and how it's interactions with the landscape and scene in front of you changes constantly as the sun orbits the earth. There are several aspects of light which has a direct impact on the images that you produce as a landscape photographer and one particular variable to understand and contend with is the various different colour tones within the light spectrum and the various different colour temperatures that are associated with these colour tones.